Welcome new life!

Assalamualaikum.. Fuh okay firstly almost bertahun kot tk update and aku hampir lupa password blog ni. Uhuks. Now alhamdulillah, new life, i'm here at Consist College for course Occupational Safety and Health. Semalam registration day and harini doing nothing at room yg quite small ni. But, it's okay. Tomorrow monday, will be the orientation day for one week. Kebanyakan semua budak balik rumah and tomorrow come back. But guwa fikirkan parents nanti susah nak ulang alik melaka-kl kan. Lagipun, roomate ada yg stay. Harini bosan gila nk mampus and disebabkan bosan lah guwa tetiba ingat kat blog yg berkurun lama tak bukak ni kot haha and guess what, we're deciding nak pergi bazar satgi and berbuka kat luar. 

Hmm, doing nothing eventhough sini line wifi laju, but website for facebook and youtube has been locked. Okay aku pasrah haha. Now azam baru, pasang niat kerana Allah Taala'. Moga dipermudahkan in sha Allah. Iman kena kental occay. Ahakss. For my family at Malacca, damn i'm really miss them much :'(. Huuwaaaa how come, can't forgot muka ayah dengan mama kat tangga before diorang balik semalam. Memang saja tayang muka lama lama nak kasi aku nangis. 

Ayah ; lepasni takda siapa nk ironkan baju kerja ayah, nk kacau ayah, nk geletek ayah
Mama ; lepasni mama kena jadi driver balik hantar adik pergi balik sekolah, takda nak urut mama dah kalau mama penat

Damn, i really miss them ;(. When i wrote this, i'm imagine their face and now im crying. Ya Allah, lindungilah kedua ibu bapaku. Mama, Ayah, i'm promise i'll do my best and i'll make you all proud of me. I hv to focus on my study and no more playing around. Kalau rasa nak memainkan, buat set reminder sikit 'mak bapak kau hantau kau sini mahalmahal suruh kau belajar, ini yg kau balas?' to be continued. K assalamualaikum.